About the Company

Mid Point Geo Limited was formed in 2011 by Tom Owen, who has worked in the Oil and Gas Industry since 1992 (ex Sercel, Quest, ECL). He is a member of the IOGP Geophysical Operations Sub-committee and the SEG Technical Standards Committee.

Registered in the UK.

ExxonMobil client logo PGS client logo Furgo client logo NCS SubSea client logo AGS client logo CNIPC BGP client logo SERCEL client logo ION client logo Hydenlyne client logo EDR client logo Sonardyne client logo EPI Group client logo LEAP Energy client logo RPS client logo Verif-i client logo In Prospect client logo

Formats and Guidelines

The company is a leading member of several industry technical bodies and is involved in the process of standards development and data formats. As such the company also provides format verification services, both as software and as a compliance audit consultancy service.

Formats and Guidelines

Navigation and Positioning

Mid Point Geo Limited have core experience in developing online and offline solutions in the Navigation and Positioning domain.

Navigation and Positioning

Software Development Lifecycle

The company has experience of the full processes undertaken to develop software products and can offer support for gathering requirements, design and product implementation. The company can implement and provide libraries as well as complete products. Mathematical Software Modelling, Mapping, Geomatics, Positioning, and Customised Software Development.

Software Development Lifecycle

Mathematical Design and Analysis

Mid Point Geo Limited have experience of implementing complex mathematical techniques for full production systems and also providing a verification test bed to ensure any mathematical algorithm is implemented in an optimised, comprehensive and efficient manner.

Mathematical Design and Analysis

Geomatic Development and Consultancy

Mid Point Geo Limited are experienced in providing consultancy and training to companies carrying out their own development or seeking to increase internal knowledge and experience implementing and verifying geomatic algorithms in a real-world sense.

Geomatic Development and Consultancy

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Customer Feedback

We value your feedback and use this as a basis for future development.

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Support & Maintenance

Support & Maintenance

We provide comprehensive support and on-going maintenance on all products.

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